Have you been sucked into... I mean... found Pinterest yet? I have to seriously limit how much time I spend on that site or else my time is quickly wasted finding all the wonderful things that other people have pinned!
Maybe you've seen the pins on your friend's Facebook pages but wondered-what is Pinterest? Well, in their terms, "Pinterest is a virtual pinboard. Pinterest allows you to organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web. You can browse pinboards created by other people to discover new things and get inspiration from people who share your interests. People use pinboards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes, and share their favorite recipes." Umm, pretty much.. it's amazing! I love how you can see great things others have found or save ideas from other sites that you want to remember for later. Plus it gives you the ability to leave a little description of your pin. I like how it's literally a visual scrapbook of ideas, recipes and more.
Recently I decided to start a couple boards to keep all my fun ideas for Back To School lunches, freezer breakfasts and teacher gifts. Have you been using Pinterest? What types of things do you pin? If you aren't a member of Pinterest ask around on Facebook if your friends are members and ask them to send you an invite. If you are on Pinterest already feel free to come and join me there!
I'm linking up over at The Diaper Diaries for Things I love Thursday.