We don't have cable at our house. I'll be honest though, if we did I would be a LAZY Mama and watch way too much TV, plus I'll admit it- I'm too cheap to spend the money on it. That said, we watch PBS for most of our kid's entertainment. I really like the cute little Stevesongs in between shows, they are fun little sings about science, friends, shapes and tons of other stuff. This week I discovered that Steve Roslonek (Stevesongs) has a CD called Marvelous Day. After a little research I realized that the Washington-Centerville Library and Dayton Metro Library both have a copy of the CD. So, I packed the boys into the car (in-spite of the rain) and we trekked to the library to find the CD.
It's a great CD, I had only listened to the first 5 songs with the boys they were all stuck in my head for most of the afternoon. Seriously as I'm typing this I'm singing, "the elephant left his suitcase at the station" in my head. Shh, don't tell anyone around me.. There are upbeat songs with funny lyrics and silly puns but most of them have a moral or are educational in some way. My favorite songs are "Elephant Hide and Seek" and "If You Want To Fly." Since most of the time I end up listening to the CDs too with the boys in the van I can't stand ones that have whiny kids voices on them. Hey, I'm just being honest! But the kids on this CD are TALENTED- wow! I really enjoy listening to Steve's voice and his energy in the songs even gets B clapping along. I highly recommend this CD, but I'm warning you that the songs might get stuck in your head too. But if it's for your kids' sake, well, it might be worth it. 😊
I am contemplating getting his other CD Music Time with Stevesongs that has the songs that he sings on PBS. I love that "RainKeeps Falling Down" song!
I'm linking up over at The Diaper Diaries for Things I love Thursday.