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24 Sep

Festival- Not only does autumn bring around Oktoberfest, the Renaissance Festival and county fairs, but there are lots of other activity and food-packed fairs and festivals. Check out Active Dayton for a list of local Festivals and Fairs. Thinking about visiting the Renaissance Festival or an Oktoberfest, teach your kids some fun lingo on your way there.

Renaissance Fest
Hello-Good Morrow
Good-bye- Fare thee well (or) Adieu
Yes- Yea
No- Nay
Please- Prithee
Let's go there- Let us go thither
That's great!- Tis most splendid

Hello- Guten Morgen
Good bye- Gute Nacht
Yes- Ja
No- Nein
Please- Bitte
That's good- Das ist gut

Posted by Deals For Dayton | Comments (0)
Categories: Fall,