I'm so excited to share our Tron party with you all! C was so excited when Tron finally came out on DVD. We had promised him that we would have a little Tron party for him, we even invited a couple friends over to make the party even more fun.
Here are my favorite details: Grid Pretzel sticks and Identity Disc glow sticks.
Tron Legacy Movie night was upon us and I wanted to make the night more exciting than just watching the movie.
We taped bright blue strips of curling ribbon across the table to help us create the Grid, and then used our Ikea Placemats to help make the Grid look even better. Glow Sticks were made into two different size rings so when they sat on the plate stack they looked like Identity Rings. We have a few of the Light Bikes already so I cut strips of scrapbook paper to look like light streams behind them. It turned out pretty awesome! Little Slinkys were wrapped about the base of one of the food stands to look like light streams.
Food Table:
Oreos- Springtime and Mint Oreos looked like Identity Rings, I considered using regular Oreos, but found yellow springtime ones.
Chocolate Covered Pretzel Rods- We dipped them in chocolate and then drizzled blue chocolate on them so that it looked like the grid.
Blue Drink- We made blue raspberry Kool-aid to look like the blue drink that they have in the bar.
Not pictured: Guacomole and Blue Corn Tortilla Chips.
I had TONS of other ideas, but figured that since it there were just 5 of us that I didn't want to go overboard. Besides we are STILL eating Oreos and pretzel rods.
I'm linking up over at The Diaper Diaries for Things I love Thursday.