Hay Rides- There is something about hayrides that makes me remember homecoming fun in High School. You can enjoy a hayride in a big wagon, or at home with your own wagon.
With a group- Be sure to dress for the ride. Have some fun and dress up like farmers complete with plaid shirts and boots. And don't forget to wear something warm and bring your camera. You can check out Pumpkin Patches and More's site if you need help locating a place that does hay rides near you.
With just the kids- If you have a wagon of your own, grab a hay bale and fill up the wagon and go for a walk/hayride with your kids around the block. Or head to a park for a little more outdoor feel. Have tons of leftover hay? Build a scarecrow with it!
There are several wonderful aviation places around the Dayton area. You can tour some of these great locations and earn stamps towards a free Wilbear Wright aviator teddy bear. This is such a cute program! There are nine different sites to visit, but you only have to visit six locations to qualify for the FREE Wilbear Wright Bear. This is such a cute way to encourage families to visit some of the great innovative and educational places in our area. Be sure to check out Wright-Dunbar.org for more info and to download your passport. Our family personally goes to the Air Force Museum at LEAST once a month! I'm really excited to do this as a family!
Be sure you begin your tour at one of the four Race Headquarters inlcuding Wright-Dunbar Interpretive Center, National Museum of the United States Air Force, Huffman Prairie Flying Field Interpretive Center or John W. Berry, Sr. Wright Brothers Aviation Center at Carillon Historical Park.
Wright-Dunbar Interpretive Center and The Wright Cycle Company—Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park
Aviation Trail, Inc. Visitor Center & Museum
Paul Laurence Dunbar State Memorial-Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park
Huffman Prairie Flying Field Interpretive Center-Dayton Aviation National Historical Park
Huffman Prairie Flying Field
John W. Berry, Sr. Wright Brothers Aviation Center at Carillon Historical Park-Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park
National Museum of the United States Air Force
National Aviation Hall of Fame
Hawthorn Hill (tours provided by Carillon Historical Park)-Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park
Woodland-Cemetery-Historic Woodland Cemetery & Arboretum
The Wright B Flyer
Games- If the weather is a bit too cool then head inside and play some games together as a family. You can play board games that you already have or check out Family Fun’s list if you need some inspiration. Or if you are in the mood for some outside fun try these options.
Pumpkin Course
Set up an obstacle course and grab a pumpkin. Create obstacles that everyone will have to go over, around, through or under. Be sure to have a few extra pumpkin incase some break.
Apple Catch Bob
Tie an apple to a string and hang down from a tree or doorway. Have players try to take a bite out of the apple without using their hands.
Hide and Seek
You can either play this the old fashioned way, or hide a pumpkin and have younger kids seek.
Festival- Not only does autumn bring around Oktoberfest, the Renaissance Festival and county fairs, but there are lots of other activity and food-packed fairs and festivals. Check out Active Dayton for a list of local Festivals and Fairs. Thinking about visiting the Renaissance Festival or an Oktoberfest, teach your kids some fun lingo on your way there.
Renaissance Fest
Hello-Good Morrow
Good-bye- Fare thee well (or) Adieu
Yes- Yea
No- Nay
Please- Prithee
Let's go there- Let us go thither
That's great!- Tis most splendid
Hello- Guten Morgen
Good bye- Gute Nacht
Yes- Ja
No- Nein
Please- Bitte
That's good- Das ist gut
Update-this giveaway is closed. Congrats Erinne F
We hope you have been enjoying our Fall Family Fun posts. Well, with the fun of Fall and all that it brings it can also wreak havoc on your skin! It's a little too dry and cold outside or a bit too dry and warm inside and that can dry your skin out quickly. So we thought we’d do a giveaway that helps you pamper your hands to cope with this fall weather better.
Beauticontrol’s Instant Manicure is an ahhh-mazing product that uses salt from the Dead Sea and essential oils to make your hands softer and smoother than ever. And, it takes less than 1 minute! (Not to mention it smells divine!) It is valued at $27 and we are giving TWO bottle away!
We are excited to be giving away Fall Beauty Prize Package. This includes 2 Beauticontrol Show of Hands Instant Manicures to one lucky reader! (One for you and one for a friend... or 2 for you!) Also included in the prize are a makeup bag with some goodies and a comfy pair of warm socks to keep your feet warm on cold nights!
To enter this giveaway, you can:
Leave a comment telling us your favorite thing about Fall
Subscribe to Deals for Dayton Weekly Update Newsletter and leave a comment letting us know.
Follow Deals for Dayton on Facebook and leave a separate comment telling us that you follow us on Facebook .
Follow @DealsforDayton on Twitter and leave a separate comment telling us that you follow us on Twitter.
(If you already subscribe or already follow us on Facebook or Twitter, just leave a comment telling us you already do!)
You can enter up to 4 times. Make sure to leave separate comments for each entry. The giveaway will end at 12AM EST on Sept. 29, 2010. Good luck!
Eat- There are so many yummy fall foods right now. The days are shorter and the nights are getting cooler so fall comfort foods that warm your tummy are perfect. Here are a few ideas to get you started, but don’t stop here- go enjoy some of your own as a family! You can also grab a few children cookbooks, or read a book like Pumpkin Soup by Helen Cooper.
A few of my favorite dishes are: Pumpkin Pie, Apple Pie, Apple Cider, Baked Squash, Pot Roast, and Mashed Potatoes
Mmm, my mouth is watering already! I love fall foods! What are some of your favorites?
Dairy Farm- The barnyard is calling! There is farm fun to be had whether you are inside or out.
On the Farm: Visit Youngs Dairy and feed the goats at the petting zoo, play mini golf or enjoy some ice cream. If you are looking for a little more of a real Dairy farm experience check out Local Harvest to help you locate one, but remember their tips about visiting working farms.
In your Home: Make your own butter. Fill a baby food jar halfway with cold heavy cream and a pinch of salt. Shake the jar 10 to 15 mins until a soft butter forms. Drain any remaining liquid. Chill and enjoy!
Corn Maze-Getting lost in a corn maze almost seems like a rite of autumn. If you go in the evening be sure to take a flashlight! Don't assume that all mazes are similar, be sure to check out their web site or call ahead. Check out which one will suit your family and provide you the most fun together.
Visit Pumpkin Patches and More, The Maize or Corn Mazes America for a list of local mazes if you need help finding one or to check hours (they might even have coupons on their site). Our family's personal favorite is Tom's Maze in Germantown.
What Corn Mazes have you been to? Do you have a favorite? Let us know!
So if you can't get enough of all the deal sites, there is another one! Living Social just launched today in Dayton. Every day, they send you one deeply discounted deal to use at local business. Love the deal? Click to buy the deal and then you will receive a link to your voucher the next business day. Now, here's the fun part... After you buy the deal, you'll get a unique link to share. If three people buy the deal using your link, then your deal is free! Now that is awesome!!
Just for signing up you will get $5 just for signing up! So what are you waiting for Dayton?! Sign up now!
Looking for more deal like this? Be sure to check out our Groupon post. Today's deal is great if you've been considering getting the Dayton Daily News, but haven't taken the "jump" yet.
Bike Ride- Take your family off the beaten path and enjoy a bike ride. Bike rides are the perfect fall exercise, fall weather is cooler, the trees are beautiful and you don’t have to worry about your kids getting over heated. You can take your bike on a familar path or check out some of these sites to help you discover a new one.
Montgomery County Trails- 6 different trails in Montgomery
City of Centerville Multi Trail- a multi-use trail located in Centerville
Miami Valley Trail Maps- a list of various trails across the Miami Valley
Southwest Ohio Road Biking- interactive map of trails in Southwest Ohio
Do you have any special trails your family visits when biking?