P&G has a new magazine called Rouge. This magazine is completely FREE to request and includes P&G coupons in each issue. It's a fun little beauty magazine with several coupons for P&G.
Here are just a few of the coupons that were included in the latest issue:
Get a FREE Zest bar Package (up to a $5 value) when you purchase a Venus Embrace or Breeze razor
$1 off when you buy Secret Clinical Strength
$1 off when you buy any Olay facial skin-care product
$1 off when you buy any 2 Head & Shoulders
$2 off when you buy any Natural Instincts product
$1 off when you buy any Olay body wash product
$1 off when you buy any Zest, Ivory, or Safeguard product or Old Spice or Gillette body wash product
$1 off when you buy any Perfect 10, Root Touch-up or Nice ‘n Easy Product
So I'm sad that there isn't a LEGO store near us. Well, there is one in Cincinnati, but to drive there every Tuesday just to snag a few free LEGO's isn't always worth the drive. Not to say we haven't done it before.... C LOVES his LEGO, so I'm always on the lookout for them. For those of you with LEGO lovers in your home as well, I found a few deals for you!
Borders is having a LEGO Atlantis event this Saturday, you can read our previous post for more information.
Target has new gift cards, I found some near the greeting cards today, that have a little "Build a Bulls-eye" kit of LEGO. You do have to put a minimum of $5 on the card, but we quickly and easily spend that at Target. Besides you can get the card and then use it to pay for any other items in a separate transaction.
You can also always subscribe to LEGO Club Magazine for a free 2 year subscription. This magazine is full of comics, games, puzzles, new products and many other fun things. Select your country on the far right of the page. If your LEGO fan is age 6 or under, you can sign up for LEGO Club Jr. Magazine instead. This magazine includes stories, games, simple models to build and more. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.
If you've recently had a baby or are expecting -here's a deal for you. Check out Similac's latest contest. You can enter for a chance to win FREE Similac Advance Concentrated Liquid. After you enter, you will be offered a FREE 6 month subscription to Parents magazine. I didn't ever use formula with my boys, but I always had several girlfriends that did and I would just give my samples to them. If you don't know anyone that uses formula you can always donate it to a women's center instead. Besides getting entered to their contest you will also receive info, samples and coupons in the mail from Similac.
Sign up to receive FREE magazines from Mercury Magazine. Choose up to 3 FREE magazines of your choice from hundreds of magazines. There is no purchase necessary, no credit card required and no strings attached. I've signed up for SEVERAL magazine from them and have never gotten a bill. The magazines you are offered initially are based upon your job information you put in. You do get offered renewal notices and stuff, but I just ignore them. Right now it's mostly business magazines, but once you sign up they send you emails when there are new magazine out. I've gotten magazines like Cosmo, Midwest Living, Women's Day, Ski and many others. This really is FREE, so sign up! (Although if you have a junk email address I would use that.)